Friday, February 22, 2008

Ann Lewis On Hillary's Post-Iowa Strategy

Duration: 01:05 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-04 12:59:54
User: Veracifier

Hillary | Clinton | New | Hampshire | Primary 


January 4, 2008


Devin1498  2008-01-07 17:58:34

The battles of the 90s are the battles of the political reality. We just haven't had to deal with them because Geroge Bush has ruled like a dictator for 8 years. Considering Barack wants to run from these fights I don't know how he expects to get anything done.
NHMntnHIGH  2008-01-07 05:35:23

but this is Hillary's "change" or is that her back to the future repsonce. All of the candiates seems to think a once sentence campaign slogan will do it for Americans. We are not believing all this BS in NH
Apressello  2008-01-06 18:17:06

Isn't Dean the head of the DNC now? Let's face it -- Dean unfortunately lost because he just didn't get out the vote in anything like the historic way Obama did. If Obama takes NH, it's hard to see anything stopping him.
kkvh4026  2008-01-06 16:48:25

Unbelievable- I post 1 comment on who I liked with reasons & asked 4 fans 2 share her campaign footage, & people can't stand 2 leave 1 civil comment that they don't agree with go without a response. If u trully respected my difference of oppinion then it was completly unessecary 2 respond as I didn't critise anyone else. Imagine if I did that 2 every comment that says go Obama, or go ron paul. They're not being rude 2 anyone so I leave it alone & respect their view.
now3000  2008-01-06 14:44:46

Huckabee plays a mean bass... But, have you ever seen Larry Craig get sloppy on the skin flute? This one time in band camp Larry Craig stuck his finger in my bum bum, and I'm a man... I'm forty! Cum after me

Moon Child-Rain

Duration: 06:45 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-22 22:06:31
User: Fantasy4Horses

HYDE | Gackt | Haido | L`Arc~en~ciel | laruku 


A video tribute to Moon Child. Song: Remember When It Rained by Josh Groban


camo1718  2007-11-20 02:24:35

This song is gorgeous. I'm trying to rent the movie to watch :D

Rockn Roll xD Miss piggie version

Duration: 00:56 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-07-14 16:01:05
User: Kixyo

miss | piggie | crack | cute | nice 


well, there isn't much to explain to this creation. I was bored one day and had a webcam and music :D and yes, it sucks but what a ho, i had fun xD so here is miss piggie playing/singing a part of "hit that" with The offspring XD


Envy3x111  2007-09-28 14:27:40

Awesome <3
Leianda  2006-09-06 03:03:00

BITCH! varför har du inte sagt att du är medlem??? Fan va bra du har blivit mena ^_^
Libix  2006-07-31 17:47:17

haha!! <3, gör fler!!! =D
Kixyo  2006-07-15 05:29:09

JO Jo, det må vara speciellt men det är ju kult XD
Kixyo  2006-07-15 05:28:44

jag vet ^^ xD måste göra serien senare :P


Duration: 00:36 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-09-05 08:23:02
User: axlwang



vivilau1993  2006-11-28 18:53:36

omg!! that baby was so cuteeee =)) and he/she's reli smart!! i luv it!!
watsons  2006-10-28 06:13:34

that so cute
Sagaris0666  2006-10-13 04:18:56

Real funny, planly!
judithc  2006-09-25 07:25:59

Hahaha~ very cute
cleanprophet  2006-09-15 19:52:17

thats great....


Duration: 00:1 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-10 08:04:08
User: hgulgen






Yellow Puffer - Cling To Nothing

Duration: 04:40 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-15 04:52:14
User: z4617925

Korean Rock Band "Yellow Puffer". I made this video myself



Nessa For the Ethical Treatment of Farmed Animals

Duration: 09:20 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-19 14:37:01
User: nessalu

ASPCA | PETA | Farmed | Animals | Treatment 


There should be a law for "No cruel & unusual Treatment" to all farmed animals... from the time they are born until and through their untimely deaths/slaughters. We should all show compassion and respect to ALL LIFE FORMS.. Farmed Animals live and die for US... The least we can do is demand compassion be shown to these animals before they end up as the main course on our dinner plates. We are human but, yet, we still act so INHUMANE. The government needs to step in and make a universal law for all factory farms to SHOW some kind of respect to ALL ANIMALS..


FzSBLACKMAGICK  2008-02-22 04:44:52

I don't know why but 2 vids come up when you punch that address into the youtube search, it's the yumi attacks McDonald's one...
FzSBLACKMAGICK  2008-02-22 04:43:07

Hey Ness, I've been commenting on this vid for a long time now, check it out...I think it's hilarious. watch?v=pRv0WBOwxfo
Phaethon0  2008-02-22 03:41:59

Actually Dumbass(xxxIRDxxx) YOU have no clue about anything YOU talk about. WTF I'm saying is a Stupid Asshole(xxxIRDxxx) has no concept of how the world works. When you say ban fishing, and then go back on what you said after I point out just how stupid you really sound, Proves that you need to STFU or Think before you say ANYTHING. Also know that the majority of fish Fished in the USA are for Fertilizer. So the next time you eat your Veggies know a fish died to grow that plant xxBitchIRDxx
xxxxlrdxxxx  2008-02-22 02:48:58

Listen phae come closer so i can bitchslap your ass. You have no clue about anything you talk about. Fish is one of the most eaten foods in asia? eh they also eat dogs in south korea, so we should eat dogs here 2? wtf are you saying. The people who live of fish in third world countries that cant eat anywhere else, ok this is fine. i understand they wont eat otherwise so this is an exception. but we kill lots of fish we don't eat, and we have other alternative foods we wont starve.
Phaethon0  2008-02-22 01:35:07

Whoa, You must be like the Dumbest Asshole on Youtube xxxIRDxxx. You think a ban on fishing wouldn't make people starve to Death. Whole economic societies live on fishing. Fish is one of the most eaten foods in Asia. If someone banned fishing over a billion people would die in less than a month. People in third world countries live on nothing but fish. The USA supplies 40% of the Worlds Food. IRD wants to end Factory Farming AND fishing. RESULT-About 80% of people would Starve.IRD=Stupid Asshole