Monday, February 4, 2008

Things We Go Through

Duration: 02:29 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-04 18:45:45
User: xxhomecutiexx
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hannah  montana  things  through  hawk  nelson  cast  miley  lilly  oliver  


love this song! listened to it 174826587356823 times xP hahah just kidding ;) welll this was a fun video and its of the hannah montana cast mainly the three muskateers x] - i dont own anything -


whitelightr ::: Favorites  2008-02-02 17:54:37

ashleyrachael1234 ::: Favorites  2008-01-27 12:44:34

Hawk Nelson. They are the best!!!
PoptartFaceProductio ::: Favorites  2008-01-26 21:36:37

TarRat93 ::: Favorites  2008-01-24 20:45:18

SelenaxEmilyxFanx ::: Favorites  2008-01-17 20:32:26

holy crap this is AWESOME! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!! GREEEAT JOBB! what did u use to make this? it's so good!!

Other Video Blog Entries

Without A Song
Ocarina of Time: Transforming into Stuff 2
Menekşe İle Halil 19. Bölüm 3. Part _WwW.Dizi24.CoM_
Tommy Tallarico Interview


'Saute, man, saute!'

Duration: 00:44 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-18 20:36:08
User: Burnside69x
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feu  pompier  crack  cocaine  niaiserie  


Séance de déconnage avec moi, Felix et autres lors de l'intervention des pompiers après un feu dans un ascenseur à la job.


Other Video Blog Entries

MRB 4th February 2007
Joey and Jade's Music Vid
Blessed Cafe' Show 3 P4
Happy Birthday Dirge
Fire Emblem: Trial of Blades- The Grand Finale


保卫黄河 Yellow River 黄河大合唱

Duration: 03:39 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-05 02:44:09
User: nuannuan1984
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抗日歌曲 曲 洗星海 保卫黄河      (朗诵)    但是,中华民族的儿女啊,谁愿意像猪羊一般,任人宰割?我们抱定必胜的决心,保卫黄河!保卫华北!保卫全中国!   (多声部合唱) 风在吼,马在叫,黄河在咆哮,黄河在咆哮!河西山冈万丈高,河东河北,高梁熟了。万山丛中,抗日英雄真不少!青纱帐里,游击健儿逞英豪!端起了土枪洋枪,挥动着大刀长矛,保卫家乡!保卫黄河!保卫华北!保卫全中国! 转载:《黄河大合唱》创作于1939年3月,当时武汉沦陷后,我国现代著名诗人光未然带领抗敌演剧三队,从陕西宜川县的壶口附近东渡黄河,转入吕梁山抗日根据地。途中亲临险峡急流,怒涛漩涡,礁石瀑布等境地,目睹黄河船夫们与狂风恶浪搏斗的情景,聆听了悠长高亢,深沉有力的船夫号子。次年一月抵达延安后,一直酝酿着《黄河》词作,并在除夕联欢会上朗诵了这部诗。洗星海听后异常兴奋,表示要为演剧队创作《黄河大合唱》并完成了这部大型声乐名作。4月13日在延安陕北公学大礼堂首演,引起巨大反响,很快就传遍了整个中国。在洗星海的日记里面写到:"当时场面异常激动兴奋,毛主席都跳了起来,很感动的说了几声'好'",可见这首歌曲当时的成功以及在当时的影响力和号召力。也正是这首歌,表现了在抗日战争年代里,中国人民的苦难与顽强斗争,也表现了我们民族的伟大精神和不可战胜的力量。它以我们民族的发源地——黄河为背景,展示了黄河岸边曾经发生过的事情,以启迪人民来保卫黄河、保卫华北、保卫全中国。作品气势宏伟磅礴,音调清新、朴实优美,具有鲜明的民族风格,强烈反映了时代精神。它在我国近代音乐史上具有重大的意义,对后来的大合唱及其他体裁的音乐创作都产生了巨大而深远的影响。 《黄河大合唱》全曲由《序曲》(乐队)、《黄河船夫曲》(合唱)、《黄河颂》(男声独唱)、《黄河之水天上来》(配乐诗朗诵)、《黄水谣》(女声合唱)、《河边对口曲》(对唱、合唱)、《黄河怨》(女声独唱)、《保卫黄河》(齐唱、轮唱)和《怒吼吧!黄河》(合唱)等9个乐章组成。各个乐章都有相对的独立性,相互之间在表现内容、演唱形式和音乐形象等方面构成鲜明的对比。同时,全曲又由表现中华民族解放斗争的基本主题紧密地联系在一起,几个基本音调始终贯串于整个大合唱,在音乐布局上以《序曲》呈示基本主题、首尾合唱呼应、中间各乐章交替发展和末乐章的总结概括,以及每乐章之前的朗诵为先导等,使整个作品又具有高度的统一性。音乐语言明快简练、通俗易解和具有鲜明的民族风格,合唱手法丰富多采和乐队的交响性发挥,全曲的宏伟规模和所表现出的英雄气概,构成了这部作品具有独创性的艺术特色。《黄河大合唱》凝聚着冼星海的卓越才华和杰出创造性,被认为是一部反映中华民族解放运动的音乐史诗。 听《黄河大合唱》,更感受到了中华民族在困境中怒吼的力量。我不由得联想到中华民族精神。中国是一个有着五千多年灿烂文明的国家,我们伟大的民族是一个不屈不挠、历经磨难而自强不息的民族。鸦片战争以来,中华民族不甘忍受耻辱,前赴后继,用血肉长城驱逐了侵略者,谱写了一曲曲悲壮的战歌。今天,热爱祖国、报效祖国,把祖国建设得繁荣富强,实现中华民族的伟大复兴,是每个中国人的崇高理想,是爱国主义的本质所在。中华民族精神是一个历史范畴,在不同社会发展时期、不同阶段,有着不同的具体内容。在我国历史上,中华民族精神从来就是动员和激励中国人民团结奋斗的一面旗帜,是每一个真正的炎黄子孙所应有的骨气和胆识,是各族人民共同的精神支柱!


nuannuan1984 ::: Favorites  2008-01-10 00:30:24

呵呵 忘了这首曲子是松下还是东芝的广告歌
zheuhang ::: Favorites  2008-01-09 00:16:02


Other Video Blog Entries

Hot Rod en el Autodromo de Balcarce 3
Danny is one in a million
Elite Beat Agents - September (Divas&Chieftan) ALL300
The GlaDDy Bounce - 31/08/07


Alex Grey - CoSM - Chapel of Sacred Mirrors 2/8

Duration: 10:58 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-31 13:39:29
User: RideTheSpiral11235
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alex  grey  cosm  chapel  sacred  mirrors  tool  band  art  artwork  painting  


CoSM The Movie is a magical new kind of documentary experience, leading audiences on an enriching and sense-heightening journey into the visionary art cosmos of world-renowned painter Alex Grey. Grey is our guide on a cinematic pilgrimage through the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors gallery in New York City, where his vividly rendered depictions of human anatomy and transcendental imagery reflect the universal human experience with birth, death, family, love, and enlightenment as the unfolding iconic narrative. Fusing the power of music with stunning cinematography, director Nick Krasnic channels the raw power of Grey's art into a potent film odyssey that captures the essence of this unique sacred space, and offers rare, personal insight from one of the most significant artists of our time. The Chapel of Sacred Mirrors (CoSM) is a sanctuary in New York City for contemplation and a center for events encouraging the creative spirit. The Sacred Mirrors, on display in the Chapel, are a series of paintings that allow us to see ourselves and each other as reflections of the divine


Other Video Blog Entries

benigni fa ridere con la chitarra e un pò di cacca
leonard cohen-waiting for miracle
Heatbar @ Zürifest
GOl 'Dani xD
Queen of Blogs


Guy Shoots Himself In Eye!

Duration: 00:33 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-01-25 08:21:37
User: c4mpincarl
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paintball  shoot  eye  retard  


This kid was looking down the barrel of his paintball gun and shot himself in the eye!


Baseman24 ::: Favorites  2007-11-30 03:57:39

I need to mention, however, that the dullness is usually caused by adrenaline rush and the brain usually focused on something else, like running or fighting. And sometimes the bullet just didn't do much.
Baseman24 ::: Favorites  2007-11-30 03:54:09

While I kind of agree that he might not have hurt himself badly, I have to say something about pain. Usually, getting hit by a bullet (or, in this case, paintball) will result in extreme pain, it doesn't always. There have been loads of cases of people who were shot and didn't notice it immeaditely or had only a "dull" pain sensation. Same with getting punched or kicked.
Juusoboi ::: Favorites  2007-11-29 22:05:22

duud duud dudududududu
wwesuksbutt ::: Favorites  2007-11-29 00:03:00

he kinda deserved it... it sais on the instructions not to look through the barrel. and he did it...his fault.
epilefelipe1988 ::: Favorites  2007-11-25 17:13:53

holy cow is the guy ok ?

Other Video Blog Entries

CA Driver License #5 - Behind the Wheel Test Captioned
Bondol Jet Sneah Part 15
Dengbej Nazim Buz


Me(falcon) vs my friend (marth)

Duration: 06:04 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-27 22:47:01
User: ItachiUchiha93
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super  smash  bros.  melee  Marth  Falcon  ssbm  match  hardcore  fun  video  game  


me and my friend playing each other at like 1 am...uhh marth is rusty soo yea...i'd appreciate some good comments ^^ and dont be assholes..i will delete ur comments...


ItachiUchiha93 ::: Favorites  2008-01-31 21:13:09

hey thanks lol we try...uh if u the other videos of us playing and tell me wut u think ^^ heh
kasuke21 ::: Favorites  2008-01-28 18:28:14

Awesome match, guys. Marth raped the first kill. Falcon has an awesome tech at 1:53. Marth had really well executed combos, but Falcon did as well. Falcon also had great use of the tap A technique (hence the last death), but I didn't see any side B usage. It could come in handy! Down throw combos aren't the only thing Falcon has. ;p I know, you guys played this really early in the morning so I'll give ya a break. Nonetheless it's a great match.
xXsasukechaosXx ::: Favorites  2008-01-28 14:42:59

dude thats so sik iv been trying to learn wavedash and stuff but its so hard u guuys rule
oshiego ::: Favorites  2008-01-28 14:36:37

Lol, nice. Lovin' the song also. The first kill by Marth was sexy.

Other Video Blog Entries

A Elephants True Freedom
John Waters - Filth 101. European Graduate School - 2000 1/4
Organization XIII Doesn't Do Anything
How to convert other language achievements into english


BeastyBoard UCI Buttboard Challenge

Duration: 09:33 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-28 10:58:41
User: dasrobs
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Die erste internationale UCI Buttboard Challenge 2007 im UCI Parkhaus Othmarschen!


Tapetha666 ::: Favorites  2007-05-31 11:10:17

Sehr sehr GEILER SHIT =) übrigens...RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE rockz
bbirkholz ::: Favorites  2007-05-29 16:59:43

wenn das mal nicht schön war..... und dann hab ich auch noch gewonnen :) ähm ja, die boxeluder zu mir!

Other Video Blog Entries

Luigi's Mansion: Mario to the rescue
How to make a chocolate creme egg - UWGB
Ace Combat 5 - Journey Home part 2
Gillian Chung Interview About Exposure


Bleach - Overlapping Memories

Duration: 04:20 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-24 22:23:42
User: Kiyosaki
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ブリーチ  AMV  Movie  Bleach  


An AMV for the first Bleach Movie. I updated it with no subtitles. Anime: Bleach: Memories of Nobody Music: Overlap (5th Yugioh OP) by Kimeru THIS VIDEO IS PURELY FAN-MADE AND IS IN NO WAY ASSOCIATED WITH THE MUSICAL ARTIST OR ANIME COMPANY IN ANY WAY.


aznsk8rpunk ::: Favorites  2007-11-18 07:26:30

you can go to otakucenter (.) com to watch it but you'll need a account
nmckale ::: Favorites  2007-09-26 04:35:58

Ohhh Aniki when does it come out now I really want to see it.

Other Video Blog Entries

Elite Beat Agents: Foxx vs Kahn
Trance Around The World #200
uchiha slideshow
There Will Be Blood - deleted campfire scene
familia 2


Re: My room catches fire!

Duration: 00:24 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-04-07 18:10:05
User: lordcoop
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Fire  room  Daxflame  draws  picture  for  Geriatric1927  Dax  Flame  Cool  Handsome  ten  friends  Top  Ten  


Video Cam Direct Upload


Other Video Blog Entries

Training My Ear (Sonnet)
Yesterdays Cardiff
take a pic
Mugen Gouken vs Rikuo
Martín Testa - Jealous Guy (John Lennon)


How to be Indian

Duration: 07:48 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-19 23:09:58
User: I3Films
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how  indian  hot  pimp  sexy  girls  men  halo  snowboard  skateboard  hannah  montana  britney  spears  cow  moo  i3film  


If you want to.. Get hot girls Get hot guys Be really hot Be a pimp Be pimp Uber Pwn All the Noobs ..then Be an Indian, today! Check out more videos at


nikkonolasco87 ::: Favorites  2008-02-03 16:34:51

i know rishi and neil but who's ashwin?
nikkonolasco87 ::: Favorites  2008-02-03 16:32:45

this is nikko saying hi to you guys. can you add me as friend? btw your videos are awesome!
I3Films ::: Favorites  2008-02-02 21:09:52

This is neil speaking (guy in orange hoodie) Who the h3!! r u?
I3Films ::: Favorites  2008-02-02 21:09:17

This is Neil speaking (guy in orange hoodie) we actually live in Virginia too. Do we know you?
Fruitkiwi ::: Favorites  2008-02-02 11:21:09

I can't do a chinese accent for my life. 0__0

Other Video Blog Entries

Without A Song
Ocarina of Time: Transforming into Stuff 2
Menekşe İle Halil 19. Bölüm 3. Part _WwW.Dizi24.CoM_
Tommy Tallarico Interview


Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children makes a Funny.

Duration: 06:46 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-19 17:32:50
User: TehDeathFairy
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final  fantasy  vii  ff7  ffvii  ffac  ff7ac  ffviiac  advent  children  seven  funny  humour  


This is the first of many to come of our Final Fantasy Made A Funny Series. Made by Me (tehdeathfairy), and my friend Kandace (halogenetic). Songs ------ Touch Myself - Cindi Lauper Mortal Kombat Theme - Mortal Kombat Hampster Dance - Hammy Hampster Bing Bang - Lazy Town Quotes ------- Liar Liar - Fletcher Mortal Kombat - Johnny Cage Family Guy - Condensation Jim Gaffigan Stand Up Comedy - Hot Pockets Finding Nemo - Marlin Braveheart - William Wallace Austin Powers - Scott and Dr. Evil South Park - Timmy Anchorman - Ron Burgundy Liar Liar - Fletcher Anchorman - Brick and Ron Burgundy


Yunalesca9 ::: Favorites  2008-02-03 10:59:49

I Love Lamp! Haha so funny!
CerberusXeon ::: Favorites  2008-01-23 15:04:02

I think Sephiroth forgot his lines... XD
Shuich25pet ::: Favorites  2008-01-16 13:53:31

that basterd took sesshomaru's sword!!! kill him!!!
GirlWithCrimsonEyes ::: Favorites  2008-01-13 02:56:40

yeah vincent you're always the best!
sobored49515 ::: Favorites  2008-01-07 02:16:43

Haha I thought that the "Condensation" (Sorry if I spelled that wrong) thing was pretty good but thanks for posting!

Other Video Blog Entries

MRB 4th February 2007
Joey and Jade's Music Vid
Blessed Cafe' Show 3 P4
Happy Birthday Dirge
Fire Emblem: Trial of Blades- The Grand Finale


SantaC Stage6

Duration: 00:32 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-01 13:05:04
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SantaC  Stage  


De esta ocasión hacemos famoso al tan nombrado BUITRE


Other Video Blog Entries

Hot Rod en el Autodromo de Balcarce 3
Danny is one in a million
Elite Beat Agents - September (Divas&Chieftan) ALL300
The GlaDDy Bounce - 31/08/07


Cartoni Animati "Pollon, La Beniamina Degli Dei" 1epi2part

Duration: 05:20 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-04-26 11:17:51
User: alitaspaghetti
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cartoni  animati  colocolo  pollon  bim  bum  bam  anime  manga  


fantastica pollon!


natascina77 ::: Favorites  2008-01-30 09:35:19

simpatica pollon
antocolors ::: Favorites  2008-01-28 11:37:12

adoro pollon!e quanto mi faceva ridere quello sfigato di eros...bwaaaaa
cippalippaxx84 ::: Favorites  2008-01-27 13:48:44

Sembra talco,ma non è... serve a darti l'allegria!!!
luthien086 ::: Favorites  2008-01-25 12:54:57

è adorabile pollon!!!
dolceluce22 ::: Favorites  2008-01-24 11:22:51

marò lo vedevo tt le mattine tropp bell..........bellissimo

Other Video Blog Entries

benigni fa ridere con la chitarra e un pò di cacca
leonard cohen-waiting for miracle
Heatbar @ Zürifest
GOl 'Dani xD
Queen of Blogs